Aarona Lope z: A Targeted Individual?

Aarona, born and raised in Chicago, IL, is a 37 year old comedian that was featued on a season of MTV’s Wild N Out back in 2015. She was talented and had a bright future ahead of her. In 2017, she began to talk about her experiences with various hollyweird entertainers.

Aarona was involved with rapper/actor/television producer 50 Cent (Curtis Jackson) in 2016. This affair led to viewers on social media nick naming her a “stalker,” as Aarona began to do too much to get his attention after their affair was over. She would often post videos of herself with two meals saying that one “is for 50.” She would also show up at events he healined only to get escorted out. Aarona would also post text on social media professing her love for him. 50 would never respond and even blocked her on his social media accounts.
Aarona also shared her experiences with comedian and actor Deon Cole and comedian George Wilburn. She says Deon (who she was in a romantic relationship with) beat her so bad that he fractured her ribs which put her in the hosptial. He hasn’t denied her claims. She says George Wilburn raped her at his friend’s house in Texas after they performed at a comedy show. He also hasn’t denied her claim. This all allegedly happened before her affair with 50 Cent.
After Aarona began to open up about her experiences, she became homeless and has been bouncing from city to city since 2017. Some believe she is a targeted individual who is also a vicitim of gang stalking as she has recorded landlords of rooms she’s rented and managers of hotels and motels she’s stayed in bust into her room and ask her to leave after recieving “detailed” emails and phone calls about her. This occurs in every city she stays in.
There is a Facebook group dedicated to harrassing Aarona. They follow her to every location. They get pleasure in seeing her get put out of hotels, resturants and rooms. (Aarona has a tendency of letting social media know her exact location.)
Aarona had brushed elbows with many entertainers including song writer/producer/rapper/ Kanye West, comedian/actor Lil Rel (her ex lover) and comedian/actor Tiffany Haddish.

Aarona is currently spending time in jail in St. Thomas, as she was arrested while trying to board a plane. Reports say she was arrested on July 28, 2020 because of a warrant in Florida.
Aarona says if she had a better family, thing would be better for her.
Do you believe Aarona is a “targeted indiviual”?
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