Aaliyah Pawn Symbolism

In 1994, a then 27 year old R. Kelly married singer Aaliyah when she was 15 years old in his hometown of Chicago, IL. It has been reported by members of R. Kelly’s entourage (and his brother) that her age was forged in order for the marriage to happen. Aaliyah was also pregnant at the time, but got an abortion after the wedding. Her parents found out about the marriage within months and got it annulled. Aaliyah’s parents stopped her from working with R. Kelly. Aaliyah went on to make two albums with other producers.
Aaliyah died in a plane crash at age 22 on August 25, 2001 along with 8 others: hair stylist Eric Foreman, Anthony Dodd, security guard Scott Gallin, family friend Keith Wallace, make-up artistChristopher Maldonado, and Blackground Records employees Douglas Kratz and Gina Smith.

R. Kelly was introduced to 12 year old Aaliyah by his then manager, Barry Hankerson. Hankerson was Aaliyah’s uncle. Hankerson was also the ex husband of singer Gladys Knight.
R. Kelly, who produced Aaliyah’s first album, featured Aaliyah on his song Your Body’s Calling. The lyrics were very inappropriate for a 13 year old. Aaliyah sings:
“Boy my body’s calling you so do what you wanna do/Are you hungry?/ Do you wanna eat it?/I said my body’s calling for you.”
Even back in 1994 when Aaliyah was promoting her first album, Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number, it seemed as though R. Kelly was flaunting their relationship right in front of the public. In every interview they did together, they wore matching outfits. Remember, she was 15 and he was 27.

R. Kelly titled Aaliyah’s 1994 album Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number. One of the popular songs from the album is also titled Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number. The lyrics are inappropriate for a 14 year old recording artist. At the time, Aaliyah’s age was a mystery although most knew she was a teenager. The lyrics went:
“I don’t mean to be bold, but I gotta let you know I got a thing for you and I can’t let go. Age ain’t nothing but a number/ throwing down ain’t nothing but a thing/ this loving I have for you/ it’ll never change. “
R. Kelly Scandals Surface
It was rumored that Hankerson was the reason the tape of R. Kelly having sex with a 14 year old girl made it to authorities in 2000. He was reportedly upset that R. Kelly dropped him as a manager. Lisa Van Allen, a woman that was involved with R. Kelly in the mid to late 90s, was allegedly paid by Hankerson to say she was the one who gave them the tape.
Here is a timeline of R. Kelly scandals:
Aug. 31, 1994: R. Kelly, then 27 years old, marries Aaliyah, then 15
Dec. 21, 2000: Chicago Sun-Times prints first allegations of sex with minors
Feb. 8, 2002: Chicago police reveal investigation into alleged child pornography
June 5, 2002: Kelly indicted on 21 counts of child pornography
May 9, 2008: Trial begins in Kelly’s case in Chicago
June 13, 2008: Kelly is acquitted on all counts
July 17, 2017: BuzzFeed publishes stories of women in Kelly’s alleged sex “cult”
July 23, 2018: Kelly releases 19-minute song, “I Admit”
Oct. 4, 2018: Kelly’s ex-wife accuses him of physical abuse
Jan. 3, 2019: Lifetime begins airing Surviving R. Kelly docuseries
January 2019: Popular pressure on R. Kelly escalates
January-February 2019:More accusers tell their stories publicly
Feb. 22, 2019: Kelly is charged on 10 counts of sexual abuse
March 6, 2019: Kelly is arrested again — this time for failure to pay child support
March 9-10, 2019: Kelly is freed from jail again; Gloria Allred alleges existence of another tape with underage girls
According to the Sun-Times, by December 21, 2000, Chicago police had investigated Kelly twice on suspicion of having sex with an underage girl but dropped the investigations because the girl wouldn’t cooperate. The article also notes, “Kelly is hardly the first celebrity to be accused of taking advantage of underage girls. Gary Glitter, Rob Lowe, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roman Polanski, Rolling Stone Bill Wyman and even the legendary Errol Flynn all have been written about in this paper and others for allegedly having trysts with minors.”
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
In 2003, R. Kelly began calling himself the Pied Piper of R&B.

As the story of the pied piper of Hamelin goes, in 1284, townspeople hired a rat catcher to lure away the vermin that had overrun their village. He did, except the citizens of Hamelin cheated the man out of his payment. So the man—a “pied” piper—returned a year later and lured their children away, too, writes Mental Floss.com

The moral of the pied piper story is that a man ought to keep his word. What word did R. Kelly not keep or who did not keep their word to him?
R. Kelly Freemason Connection?
Kitty Jones, one of R. Kelly’s former adult sex cult victims says she was made to have sex with a “celebrity.” She has not revealed who that person is, but this leads one to suspect that others in the industry were in on R. Kelly’s cult.
It was always suspicious how R. Kelly was found not guilty in the first trial. After all, he was on tape. The girl’s aunt even identified her. Bank robbers and other suspects are caught by surveillance camera, so why wasn’t R. Kelly?

Based on the collar and apron he wore in his 2017 music video, he might be a mason.
Conspiracy Theory
In 2000, Blackground Records (Hankerson’s record label, Aaliyah was signed to this label since 1993) signed a distribution deal with Virgin Records.
Virgin Records was sued by family members of the people that died in the 2001 plane crash with Aaliyah. In 2002, there were several reports that Virgin reneged on Aaliyah’s funeral costs.
Eonline reported on August 12, 2002:
“Butler’s Funeral Home spent $68,000 preparing and transporting the bodies of the 22-year-old singer and her crew after they were killed in an August 25 plane crash in the Bahamas. Loretta Turner, director of the Nassau-based funeral home, says former Virgin executives Ken and Nancy Berry agreed to cover all of the costs incurred. But since then, the husband-and-wife team has left the company, and the bill has been ignored. “
Pilot Was Not Authorized To Fly The Plane

Conspiracy theories surround Aaliyah’s death because of the circumstances and reports surrounding the pilot, Luis Morales III.
NY Times reported on August 30, 2001:
“The Federal Aviation Administration said today that the pilot of a plane that crashed in the Bahamas on Saturday, killing the singer Aaliyah and eight others, was not authorized to fly the craft and that the agency was investigating why he was at the controls. “
”Blackhawk had single-pilot authorization meaning only one individual was authorized to fly the plane for that company,” a spokeswoman for the Federal Aviation Administration Ms. Kathleen Bergen said. ”The person that was authorized was not flying the plane when it crashed.”
911 Connection
Does Aaliyah’s death connect to 911? Some of her videos featured predictive programming. One example is her song titled Journey to the Past.
Below is a screen shot of her with 27 (2+7=9) children 11 seconds before the video ends. Aaliyah is seen throughout the video with her arms spread out like an airplane. Do the two gold structures in the back represent the twin towers? Why are children in the video?

On the day of the 911 attack, former president Bush visited Emma Booker Elementary school in Sarasota, Florida. Bush watches as the teacher has the students repeat words “kite” “hit” “steel” “must” as she says, “get ready” before each word the students are to repeat. She also hits a drum after each word as the kids read from the book, The Pet Goat. Why was he visiting the school? Why were the children saying those words? Conspiracy theorist believe this was some sort of ritual and the energy of the children was needed.

The Pet Goat was an interesting book to choose as satanist worship the Baphomet (part goat, part human). The statue was first unveiled in Detroit in 2015. The statue was later unveiled in front of the Arkansas state capital building in 2018. The statute was returned to a undisclosed location. The history of the statue dates back to 12th century Europe.

Predictive Programming and Symbolism
Aaliyah played a vampire Queen in the movie, Queen of the Damned. The movie was released in 2002. At the end of the film, Aaliyah’s character is turned into to ashes. It was reported that Aaliyah’s body was charred from the plane crash.

Her name ALI = high, elevated or champion in Arabic. YAH = short for Yahweh in Hebrew. Her name was A + ALI + YAH. This does not mean she was God, but she might have been a pawn. It’s been said that most entertainers are real life pawn pieces on the proverbial chess board of those who are in control of them. In other words, her name connected her to “their” scheme of things.
“Let me know”
Her 2001 music video, We Need A Resolution, is filled with symbolism. She is covered in snakes, watches her self on a television and she is seen sitting on a globe turned sideways in a tunnel as the axis is constantly shifting.

After doing a google search for the symbolism of the serpent, the results said the serpent represents rebirth. The could represent her rebirth or initiation into the dark side.

Aaliyah watches herself as her face appears on the screen of several televisions throughout the video. This could suggest that she was being watched as one scene shows a robotic camera following her every move.

Aaliyah is seen sitting on a globe turned side ways with constant shifting axis. The globe is attached to a tunnel and is moving forward the entire video. Perhaps this symbolizes instability. This could also represent the coming change the U.S. was to face with 911.

In several of her songs dating back to 1994, Aaliyah sings the phrase “let me know.” Perhaps “let me know” was symbolic of her wanting in on the secret, as she was not fully into the occult, but a pawn.

In her four Page Letter music video, she is wearing silver and dances in a ring of fire. On the esoteric plane, the ring is associated with the girdle, which guards places and protects secrets. Silver is said to represent feminine power and spiritual energy.
Aaliyah was killed in the plane crash right after filming her final music video, Rock The Boat. Despite amateur conspiracy theories, there is not much symbolism in the Rock The Boat video. The only suspicious thing is why the director chose to have her film a scene under water, dressed in black and swimming towards the light. The video ends with the image:

Aaliyah was sent a small Cessna plane. It was reported that Aaliyah insisted on boarding the plane although it was overloaded by hundreds of pounds. Why the pilot did not refuse to take away is the unanswered question.

Aaliyah is seen doing the shhh pose. This is a pose all entertainers do when they’ve sworn to secrecy.
After Aaliyah’s death an eerie photo of her appeared online. The “shhh” pose is popular among entertainers, but in the photo it appears as though someone else is hushing her. Her hand posture seems as though she is trying to stop them from hushing her. This photo is interesting.

Here is a screenshot of the internet search results of entertainers doing the shhh pose, which is much different than Aaliyah’s:

Aaliyah’s plane crash was 8 months after the first public investigation of R. Kelly in 2000 and 6 months prior to his first sex tape scandal in 2002.
The symbolism is there, interpret it how you wish.
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